Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Another One of Fred's Katrina Adventure's: A Whoadette

All this Hurricane Katrina (the baddest bitch) mess went a whole new level for me, somewhat.All over a whoadette--a female from New Orleans--a.k.a--Whoadieland.

Picture it: Baton Rouge, 1998. Carefree guy being a summer counselor for a high school program. The whoadette was student at Southern at the time. We met through a mutual friend, a co-worker of mine, and we were kicking it hard during that summer.

But she left the yard to attend another school, and I got into a relationship/got out of a relationship months later. We'd run into each other during homecoming or Bayou Classic, and it just had that same vibe seeing her years later as I did when we first met.

We kept communicating after she left, I even wrote a letter to her. She told me on several occasions she still had it and reads it from time to time. She also remembers things about me and vice versa. When I became a taxpaying citizen and got the young cell phone...we talked more and caught up on what each other was doing.

To some, she could be the one that got away. To me, I don't know. Can't miss what you really didn't have, I guess. But then, Katrina came through the N.O. The storm caused levees to break, which y'all know flooded out a good bit of Whoadieland. I know the area she lived in was flooded because she told me it was off Elysian Fields down the street from Dillard and the University of New Orleans.

I hope she, like all my other Whoadieland friends/associates/drinking patnas, and her loved ones made it out alright. The storm has sort've reinforced the notion I've held that enjoy the company of people because you never know when the next time you'll see them. It has also made me somewhat nostalgic, something rare for me. Remembering people, places, events, drinks and some good times. At least I'm glad a Category 4 storm cannot flood away all of that. Memories are better than nothing, jack.

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